If you’re looking to buy your perfect cannabis related property, you’ve come to the right place. Through our network of highly qualified real estate professionals, as well as our contacts within the cannabis industry, PotEstate brings you only the finest properties available – all based on your specific requirements and  completely hand-picked to insure each property meets all regulatory and compliance issues.

That’s  right – we painstakingly go through each and every property to make sure we only bring properties that makes sense to each of our PotEstate buyers. Farms, homes, warehouses, grow houses, dispensary locations, office buildings, manufacturing facilities, acreage, investor projects, and so much more… we have it all.

If you’re looking to purchase cannabis related properties, contact us for a quick informational confidential consultation as to your exact wants and needs, and we’ll get to work matching your needs to our inventory.

If you own a cannabis related property that you’re considering selling, let us know by filling out the form below and we’ll see if it meets our acquisition criteria – or you can contact us if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about how we work with buyers and sellers.




    Location of Subject Property - City:

    Location of Subject Property - State:

    Location of Subject Property - Zip:

    Tell us a little about the property you're considering selling, including the reason behind your intent to sell.